MonAnon Promos

Monsters Anonymous Promo #1: Interview

Monsters Anonymous Promo #2: Ladies Man

Monsters Anonymous Promo #3: The Scariest Thing

Monsters Anonymous Promo #4: Vampire Love
Everyone introduces themselves. Kind of.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, Vincent E.L., & Brad Heath.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Music by Vincent E.L.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.
Edited & Directed by Joe Heath.
Seth chats with a lady.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, & Vincent E.L.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Music by Vincent E.L., Joe Heath, & Brad Heath.
Written by Joe Heath & Josh Spurgin.
Edited & Directed by Joe Heath.
Monsters discuss the scariest thing they've ever seen.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, Vincent E.L., & Brad Heath.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Music by Joe Heath & Brad Heath.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.
Edited & Directed by Joe Heath.
The rich tradition of great vampiric romance is paid tribute to and brought to a whole new level.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, & Vincent E.L.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Written, Edited, & Directed by Joe Heath.
Monsters discuss Stephenie Meyer's classic novel Twilight.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, & Vincent E.L.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.
Edited & Directed by Joe Heath.
Something remarkable happens involving an invisible man.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, Vincent E.L., Toni B. Heath, Jez Layman, Brad Heath, Daniel McCulloch, Lizzie McCulloch, Samuel McCulloch, & Rachel Erin Scott.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.
Edited & Directed by Joe Heath.
You are cordially invited to deal with your problems.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, Vincent E.L., Brad Heath, Jamie Spurgin, Daniel McCulloch, Lizzie McCulloch, Samuel McCulloch, & Rachel Erin Scott.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Music by Vincent E.L.
Written & Edited by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.
Directed by Joe Heath.
Seth and Death make beautiful music together and completely demolish the fourth wall in the process.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, Vincent E.L., & Brad Heath.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Music by Brad Heath & Josh Spurgin.
Lyrics by Vincent E.L.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.
Edited & Directed by Joe Heath.
Seth and Death make beautiful music together and completely demolish the fourth wall in the process.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Joe Heath, Vincent E.L., Brad Heath, & Jack Mitchell.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Music by Vincent E.L.
Written by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.
Edited & Directed by Joe Heath.
We wind back the clock, reset the universe, and finally get going. All over the furniture.
Starring: Josh Spurgin, Jillanna Babb-Cheshul, & Joe Heath.
Executive Producer: Joe Heath.
Producer: Brad Heath.
Music by Vincent E.L.
Written & Edited by Joe Heath & Vincent E.L.
Directed by Joe Heath.
Dr. Scientist comes clean. This promo was made by Toni B. Heath as a school project.
Starring: Toni B. Heath & Vincent E.L..
Aqua Apes Logo by Brad Heath.
MonAnon & Cool Science Logos by Ray Friesen.
Written by Joe Heath & Toni B. Heath.
Edited by Joe Heath.
Audio Edited by Vincent E.L.
Directed by Toni B. Heath.